Market Review on Available Instruments for Odour Measurement


Continuous and quasi-continuous odour monitoring solutions have the potential to provide essential tools to support the whole odour control procedure in sewer networks. Hence, there is a need for continuous measurement and supervision of odour emissions with technical measurement systems. Objective of this investigation is the identification of instruments on the market which have the potential to be applied for odour monitoring from wastewater collection systems or wastewater treatment works. Generally one can distinguish between following methods of odour measurement: • Sensory methods: Measurement of odour concentration by olfactometry (evaluation by human noses) • Analytical methods: a. Selected sensors: Measurement of specific single odorants or surrogate parameters (e.g. H2S-measurement) b. Gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, optical sensors: Measurement or quantification of a spectrum of several gas components c. Multigas-sensor arrays: Measurement of overall odour parameters by means of unspecific, broadband multigas-sensor arrays Only the mentioned analytical methods provide the possibility of continuous measurements. They however do not all consider the sensory component of odour (perceived effect). Within this report methods b. and c. will be covered. The report provides an introduction to the principle of measurement, briefly discussing examples of sampling methods and data analysis methods and gives lists of collected odour monitoring systems, tabulary providing specifications from literature, manufactures and vendors.
