Analysis of long-term dispersion in a river-recharged aquifer using tritium/helium data


Large-scale dispersion was studied in an unconsolidated, sandy, glaciofluvial, riverrecharged, and confined aquifer in Germany. Groundwater observation wells from a 3.5-km-long transect located in flow direction from the river Oder into a large lowland area (Oderbruch polder) were sampled for noble gases in order to date the groundwater with the tritium and helium (3H-3He) technique. The apparent 3H-3He ages of the groundwater increased from only a few months to >40 years along the flow path. Highest values for initial 3H (sum of 3H and its decay product tritiogenic helium, 3Hetri) were encountered in 2.6-km river distance. Concentrations of 4He in the water increased to 1.1 10 7 cm3 STP/g with distance from the river. The initial 3H data enabled an estimation of the longitudinal dispersivity with a simplified one-dimensional transport model. The best fit of modeled and measured initial 3H data was obtained using a dispersivity of 120 m. Deviations of modeled hydraulic ages and measured apparent 3H-3He ages for older samples can be explained by dispersive mixing.

Water Resources Research